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Visitors 948
Modified 1-Jul-14
Created 1-Apr-09
27 photos

Lumen prints are created by placing the subject directly on the printing paper. This sandwich is then exposed to daylight for two to eight hours. The print is then fixed to prevent further change. These are one of a kind prints.
Early Summer FlowersMoody ClamentisClamentis 2014Cherry BlossomsCrocus-1Crocus-2DaffodilsFernsForsythia - 2010Goats BeardHyscinthIrisJoe Pye WeedLilliesMagnolia BlossomsSmokebush 1Smokebush 2Snow-DropsThree DaffodilsTulips

Guestbook for Lumen Prints
Cindy Taylor(non-registered)
Absolutely Beautiful!!!!
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